Extension Responds – Drought Resources

wheat fieldSouthern Wisconsin is now in drought conditions that rival those of 1988. These conditions pose challenges for all Wisconsin residents, both urban and rural.

Potential crop losses may prove stressful to cash grain farmers as they struggle to meet commitments, and for livestock farmers who require large amounts of quality feed and forage. Urban residents wonder what to do about their lawns, gardens and trees. Everyone is concerned about heat exhaustion.

While University of Wisconsin-Extension cannot do anything about the rain, there are choices to be made about capturing as much gain as possible from drought-affected acres, making decisions about herd management and knowing how to avoid heat stress.

This website will continue to be updated, so please sign up to receive updates via email or RSS. For more drought related information go to: Drought Resources 

For local information, contact Mike Rankin, Crops and Soil Agent, UW-Extension Fond du Lac County at 920-929-3171. 

To find your local county UW-Extension agriculture agent please visit www.YourCountyExtensionOffice.com

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